In giving you will receive
The Yuletide season is here again and, for many people, these holidays are periods of stress, sadness and depression. It's the season to be jolly but, unfortunately, for many persons it is the season for heartbreak and flowing tears...
Cancers that affect women (Part II)
(Part I was published on November 21)As I mentioned in my previous article, ovarian cancer is the most deadly of the three most common cancers of the female pelvis. The risk factors for this cancer include having no children, women who have difficulty getting pregnant...
Substance abuse in children and teenagers
The number of deaths, illnesses and disabilities resulting from substance misuse (abuse and/or dependence) is more than that seen from any other preventable health condition, placing an enormous burden on our health care system....
Drugs that prevent HIV infection
Drug treatment which may be taken after sex to prevent a woman from getting the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), are available in Jamaica. For HIV prevention after sex, the drug cost is between $1,000 and $8,000. This HIV treatment is called HIV post exposure prophylaxis...
Add some onions & garlic
Onion and garlic are two herbs that most Jamaican kitchens cannot do without because of the characteristic flavour they impart to our cuisine. But did you know that apart from the wonderful flavour which they impart, they also have health/medicinal qualities?
Fight chronic diseases with exercise
Regular physical activity lowers your risk of dying from many chronic, disabling diseases.A sedentary lifestyle has been identified as one of several factorsthat contribute to the development of chronic diseases. Other contributing factors include smoking...
LETTERS - Violence against women: Blame it on patriarchy
Dear Ms Thompson,Thank you for your very insightful articles. I note where you quoted from Dr. Abel's article of November 21, pointing out that "violence against women takes the form of physical, sexual, emotional, economic and spiritual abuse".