Omar Manning breathed a sigh of relief when he found out that he scored seven distinctions and one grade two in the 2006 CSEC examinations.
"I was relieved because after I sat the exams, I thought that I would have scored lower," he said. "I was hoping for eight ones but I am pleased with my scores."
Omar told The Gleaner yesterday that the main factor that contributed to his success was the hard work that he put in.
"It was difficult to study continuously, but I stuck to it because I knew I had to get good scores," he said.
Son of Pamella and Padan Manning, Omar will be going to sixth form in September to pursue economics, mathematics and management of business at the CAPE level.
His ultimate aim, he said, is to go to university where he will read for a banking and finance degree.
The 17-year-old, however, is no stranger to success, having won a Government scholarship for his outstanding performance in the GSAT back when he was in primary school.
He enjoys watching television, playing computer games, cricket and football. While at lower school at Ardenne, Omar was involved in the French club and the Literary Arts Society.
- P. F.