Daviot Kelly, Staff Reporter

Health guru Dr. Ted Emanuel (centre) chats with Althea Buchanan and his brother Rupert Francis. Emanuel launched his television health show, at the Ashanti Restaurant, Hope Gardens, Old Hope Road, on Tuesday night. - WINSTON SILL/FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHER
YOU DON'T NEED an appointment to see naturopathic physician Ted Emanuel; just turn on your television.
The noted health guru who hails from Antigua, will broadcast his message of healthy living on local television starting September 4 at 6:00 p.m. on CVM. The show, entitled 'Let's Talk Health' will provide information on various aspects of lifestyle diseases including prevention and how to correct them using the right foods and exercise. The show was launched at the Ashanti Restaurant in Hope Botanical Gardens on Tuesday. The first season will show 13 episodes all shot at the luxurious Strawberry Hill.
Jamaicans have seen Emanuel on local television before in the feature 'Correcting Cancer Naturally'. Guests were treated to a preview of the first episode of the hour-long show. Viewers will be treated to a variety of activities including live cooking demonstrations from Emanuel's brother, Rupert Francis, a master chef. The 'right' food is an essential part of Emanuel's programme. Do-In exercise (stretching to release the body's Ki-energy) as well as live audience interaction are also part of the programme.
"There is no disease that cannot be corrected; none. But people are unwilling to give up the poisons," he declared referring to certain types of foods.
What really caught the audience's attention though was the story of cancer survivor Carmen Smith. Diagnosed with the deadly disease, she followed Emanuel's strict diet. When she went back for an update, the doctors could find no sign of the disease.
Apart from his work in the field of naturopathic medicine, Emanuel is a trained aesthetician, cosmetologist and teacher of Shiatsu (Japanese form of massage). He has travelled and lectured extensively.
Among the guests were the show's director Tony Robinson and Associate Executive Producer Lydia Thompson whom Emanuel credited with the idea for the show.