Sunday | June 10, 2001

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Stop this madness



I WAS disappointed in Dr. Omar Davies's defence of his relationship with those two infamous "area leaders" for the following reasons:

  • 1. I did not see any reference to him satisfying himself concerning the legitimacy of the source of wealth and influence of these men:

  • 2. Dr. Davies was so defiantly defensive of the man! Left to his defence only I would have thought that these persons were exemplary in their character because of all the good that he Dr. Davies associates them with.

    But this is the political culture that we have tolerated over these years. I had thought that under this PNP administration we would have at least seen a marked decrease in this type of relationship between politicians and such persons of questionable character. Instead we have seen the Prime Minister himself publicly shaking hands and thanking another "area leader" for peacekeeping activities and now the number two man in the Cabinet is openly unapologetic in the defence of his action of having related so closely with men who at the very least are persons of dubious character. Obviously this type of political culture is alive and well!

    Open your eyes people ­ wasn't the funeral at the National Arena well attended? Wasn't downtown virtually locked down after the arrest of a certain area leader? Isn't there a song played on our local radio station glorifying at least one such "area leader?"

    I keep thinking that a Henry Morgan may yet end up in Parliament and by means of free and fair elections! It is now imperative for both the PNP and the JLP to adopt and adhere to a joint policy regarding donmanship, drug-dealings and the existence of garrison constituencies. If they are unable to do so then with the greatest of respect to them their politics is no longer relevant to us the decent, honest people of this country.

    As an addendum ­ if our security forces cannot control the violence in west Kingston then let's call for external assistance. We just cannot sit back and allow our own country-men to keep killing each other. It's madness!

    I am, etc.,


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