Members of the victorious Hall Schools' Challenge Quiz Master team: Alexis Ledgister, David Panton, Lisa Nelson and Hilaire Sobers. - Winston Sill
IT was just like old times as contestants of the past came back to relive the Schools' Challenge Quiz memory during the annual Master's Quiz Match on Monday.
The eight contestants, who represented their schools during the late 70's and early 80's, showed that they were neither 'old nor cold' as they responded to questions from varying subject areas.
Although some of the contestants jokingly remarked that the questions were harder than they had thought, it was obvious that both the Hall and Buckner teams fought hard to out-do the other. In the end victory, after a tremendous comeback, belonged to Hall, beating Buckner 46 to 41,
At the end of the first segment, Buckner led 12 to 8. The second segment also saw Buckner in the lead 31 to 28. Hall blazed past them during the buzzer section however, to claim victory.
The contestants obviously were not feeling any heat from being in the 'hot seat' and joked throughout the match. 'We had a great time and it really brings back a lot of memories," said Ian Wilkin-son, captain of Buckner.
Andrea Wierenga, the oldest contestant, said she found some differences in the Schools' Challenge Quiz of today as opposed to the late 70's. "The set is now significantly better, however there is not as wide a range of questions now. They are a bit more current and that is good but we had a wider variety then,".
The contestants in this year's Masters match are now pursuing various professions, chiefly law. The Hall team was Alexis Ledgister teacher (Manches-ter High); David Panton businessman/politician (Belair High); Lisa Nelson teacher (St. Hugh's) and Hilaire Sobers lawyer (Campion).
Buckner was: Ian Wilkinson - lawyer (Kingston College); Andrea Wierenga nutritionist; Garfield Grandison medical student (Ardenne) and Jeremy Taylor attorney (Calabar).