Produce local products in Ja THE EDITOR, Sir: I AM so happy that Jamaica is doing good and everyone is working so that Grace, Kennedy Export Trading can farm out work to Thailand, I was happy to see coconut water canned and was about to purchase it when I noticed it was the product of Thailand. I always thought charity begins at home. The employment figures are not low, Jamaican products should be produced in Jamaica. I did not buy the product as did my friends. When I see a Jamaican product made in any place but Jamaica, they automatically lose the sale as far as I am concerned. Regarding the crime in Jamaica, I pray each day that Jamaicans will not copycat the USA and instead look at the Bahamas, Barbados and Cayman and see that the tourist dollars are lost to those places because people feel safe. God bless Jamaica, may she prosper, may there be unity and love amongst the people. I hope the leaders will steer the people in the right direction and show them that destroying the island and giving it a bad name is hurting everyone on the island. Jamaica is one of the most beautiful places God has created. Peace and Love! I am, etc., VERA O'CONNOR E-mail: veryoconn@aol.comUSA Springfield, MA Via Go-Jamaica Back to Letters  |