Little enthusiasm about tourism project

WESTERN BUREAU: THE TOURISM Master Plan, a projected US$2 billion investment aimed at taking tourism on a path of long-term sustainability, was unveiled last week to mixed reviews in two of the island's resort towns.

Sugar report in two weeks

THE LONG-AWAITED report from the sugar industry technical co mmittee, appointed in January by Prime Minister P.J. Patterson to study and make recommendations on the viability of the sector, should be available within two weeks. This was the response...

Police to get fingerprint machine
THE GOVERNMENT is to spend more than $70 million to equip the Jamaica Constabulary Force with an Advanced Fingerprint Information System (AFIS) machine, which will assist the lawmen in completing their investigations in the backlog of unsolved murders...

Companies Act passed

INVESTORS WILL be able to register their companies from their offices, Minister of Industry, Commerce and Technology Phillip Paulwell said yesterday. According to Mr. Paulwell, in developing its technological capacity, the Registrar of Companies would...

Braeton probe stalled
A HALF-PAGE report confirming that the fatal shooting of seven young men occurred at Braeton, St. Catherine, on March 14, is all the police have so far turned over to the Coroner at the St. Catherine Court. Clerk of the Court Kenneth Smith yesterday...