Jamaica Gleaner In Focus

Published: Monday Sunday | May 31, 2009

Time for the people
The reality of the global financial meltdown and the range of its repercussions seem finally to have hit home by more sober discussions and the wide-based participants. The situation is desperate. Within the crisis is a Jamaica with its humongous debt and traditional income sources, such as bauxite/alumina, tourism, construction, considerably reduced. Read More...

Ian Boyne's unenviable dilemma - Does he really want a debate?
The following is submitted as a response to Ian Boyne's recent column "The return of socialist economics " in The Sunday Gleaner of May 24. Read More...

Socialism's problems
Newsweek magazine recently declared in a cover feature: 'We Are All Socialists Now'. The crisis in global capitalism has buried a number of banks, companies and countless dreams, but it has resurrected the socialist dream." Read More...

Citizenship and the Constitution
At its most essential, a Constitution sets out the just and right relations between the State and the citizen. One relationship involves the basis upon which citizens can represent themselves through the state. This is about elections. The other relationship is about how the state represents citizens. This is about sovereignty. Read More...

Housing supply, affordability and squatting
Crisis, an opportunity to think and act 'outside the box', unshackle ourselves from outdated paradigms, create new solutions. Science, if unhindered by social interests, responds to crisis with speed. Read More...

Headley, Garvey and the National Movement
For a decade after the birth of Marcus Garvey on August 17, 1887, organised cricket in Jamaica remained what it had always been - the exclusive pastime of the white elite. There was not one black face among the membership of the three major cricket clubs - Kingston, Kensington and Melbourne. Read More...

Closing Gitmo
Shutting down the detention camp at Guantanamo should have been, in the lingo of President Barrack Obama's favourite sport, a "slam dunk". President George W. Bush tried to do it. In the presidential campaign, John McCain was as much in favour of it as Obama. It was one of the first announcements made by President Obama after taking office. Read More...