Gas tax not the answer

Published: Wednesday | April 22, 2009


I believe that all motorists should be concerned about the pending tax/cess on gas. Last year when the price of oil exploded and motorists were required to dig deep into their pockets, just to do daily chores, where was the Government? Now that the prices have fallen somewhat and the dealers are still not giving motorists the best prices, where is the Government?

We do remember that the first budget by this government saw a significant increase in all motor vehicle applications - driver's license fees, fitness, registration, etc ... . What was the purpose of these increases?

Hold strain

In a time when all public- and private-sector workers are asked to hold strain, where will we find this extra money to pay a tax/cess on gas? Once there are increases in gas, all related commodities will increase and the poorest among us will find it more difficult to stay afloat. This tax/cess will also provide another means for retailers to hike prices and the road-repair contract granted to unqualified contractors as, after a few drops of rain, the potholes will return.

What we need, Mr Minister, is value for our money and some accountability from the contractors granted these contracts. What we need is the monitoring of the fuel prices to ensure that we do not provide opportunities for the consumers to be ripped off. There are main roads in Spanish Town (William Street) that have not been repaired in my 20-plus years. Who is responsible for these repairs? Who is accountable?

We would like the government to hold strain on the tax/cess and identify other means of closing the budget.

I am, etc.,

MB Johnson

Spanish Town