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Ultimate crime, ultimate justice

Published: Thursday | December 18, 2008

The Editor, Sir:

Some members of society have said that capital punishment 'terminally' closes the door on rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is for re-entry into society, and is not the course of action for the ultimate crime of murder. Ultimate justice is.

Murderers should be totally rendered incapable of further cruelty to their fellow members of society, including the murder of their fellow inmates, and be 'terminally' removed from influencing others as 'cult heroes' with vicious lifestyles. People planning the heights of evil need a new mindset. We learn by example, and the consequences that their actions incur would shout zero tolerance for murder. Full stop. Scripturally, there are also spiritual ramifications for the 'shedding of innocent blood', which actually brings curses on the land.

Executing innocent persons

Some persons speak of the possibility of an innocent person being executed, which for the most part is remote given modern forensic technology and where this has occurred it was due mostly to inadequate forensic information. Admittedly, the system is not perfect, but which earthly institution is? What is not remote, however, is that the lives of innocent persons are being snatched daily along with their contribution to nation building, and there remains the emotional devastation for their loved ones and the financial deprivation endured by their innocent children.

The three-meal food entitlement to those in prison does not extend to the children of the victims. Persons considering our imperfect legal system need to remember the inequity of this also. After all the evidence is in, many murderers do not even protest their innocence, but insist through their clever attorneys on frivolous appeals. The crux of the matter is to ascertain innocence or guilt, with no opportunity for 'legal chess games'. "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed (carried out) speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." Ecclesiastes 8:11.

With capital punishment still being legal redress for murder, we have seen the integrity of the law compromised right before our eyes through all sorts of legal procrastination and perhaps anticipation of negative international reaction. They do not live here. We do. We have seen our fellow citizens slaughtered and our nation buckling under extreme violence.

Unto whom much is given, much is expected, and lawmakers and law enforcers have a responsibility to do the jobs entrusted to them without fear or favour, for the good of the nation. Therefore, murder should be such a rare occurrence that it makes people recoil in horror; it should not at all be commonplace.

If murder produced revenue, ours would be a thriving industry. Law-abiding citizens have an entitlement, as civilised human beings living in a democratic society, to be free to go about their business safely and without the prevailing level of fear. The Scriptures declare that we are the head and not the tail. Perhaps the Lord shakes His head as He sees evil now rapidly swinging us by the tail.

I am, etc.,


Kgn. 6

Some persons speak of the possibility of an innocent person being executed, which for the most part is remote given modern forensic technology and where this has occurred this was due mostly to inadequate forensic information.


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