Thursdaytalk - Hottest topics on the cocktail circuit
Published: Thursday | December 18, 2008
Killed by concern
1 One family is completely distraught while members of the community are now in fear. The story is: the police chased some suspected gunmen, one of the suspects dropped a firearm and a concerned citizen picked up the gun and handed it in at the neighbourhood police station. He was shot and killed a few days later by the gunmen.
'All I want for Christmas ... '
2 With life after David Smith proving extremely difficult for many, with cars being repossessed, defaulting on real-estate commitments, students being pulled from high-priced private schools because of inability to pay fees - the new Christmas carol some are singing is: "All I want for Christmas is to get my money back ... ".
Quiet invasion
3 First, there was the Spanish Invasion. Others are warning that the more menacing danger is that of the quiet Trinidadian invasion that can be damaging to the manufacturing and distributive sectors here.
Mastermind con plan
4 The story on the streets is that it is the equivalent of the Trafigura affair, as the mastermind behind the sale and delivery of the beach material is the relative of a politician.
Give up all
5 Some are saying that considering his performance on that now infamous board, it is not enough that he resigned from the board of the company, but he should also give up the adviser position.
Faith lost
6 Some have lost faith in the optimistic one as they say they are now convinced the board was dissolved to get rid of the one who questioned the efficacy of the earlier deal. And on top of that, they are still waiting to see a master plan.