HEART Trust assists redundant workers with special programme
Published: Thursday | December 18, 2008
WITH THE threat of job loss facing hundreds, if not thousands of Jamai-can workers, the HEART Trust/NTA has rolled out a special programme to empower persons who are rendered umemployed.
Already, hundreds of workers in tourism, bauxite and other sectors have been sent home or warned of pending redundancies and the trust is seeking to reduce the problems associated with the process.
Donald Foster, executive director of the HEART, said the special programme would be a mix of counselling and training with a thrust on entrepreneurship.
"What is special about this programme is that it is tailored according to the needs and interests of the individuals," Foster told The Gleaner.
Prime Minister Bruce Golding, in a broadcast to the nation on Sunday, called for those who may be affected by the layoff to work with the Heart.
Mix of programmes
Foster said the training and certification department was already in touch with the companies that are planning to retrench workers.
"We want to start the work early with the respective enterprises and plan a course of action for them," he said.
The special programme, which will be implemented through the HEART regional offices across the island, will have experts who will give guidance and counselling.
Foster said the experts would impart career counselling, help the individuals to identify their talents, gifts and abilities and extend the full menu of the career development programmes that the agency offers.
The agency will also extend a training programme for those who want to get into their own business.
Foster noted that the Jamaica Business Development Centre was partnering with HEART in the entrepreneur development project.
Working out modalities
He said the costing for the programme was currently being worked out. "We hope that major costs can be shared between the enterprises and HEART," he said.
"The fee will vary from individual to individual and the type of intervention that is required. We are hoping that minimal costs will be borne by the affected individuals."
HEART Trust/NTA offices
Regional Programmes Services
7 Ripon Road, Kingston 5
Tel: 960-9042
South WesternRegional Office
5 1/2 Caledonia Road, Mandeville
Tel: 962-1060
South EasternRegional Office
7 Ripon Road, Kingston 5
Tel: 968-4441
Northern Regional Office
45 Main Street, St Ann's Bay
Tel: 972-0226