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Jamaica Gleaner Lead Stories
published: Wednesday | January 24, 2007

'I told her not to go' - Daughter missing since meeting man from chat room
WESTERN BUREAU: "I told her not to go," Jasmine Johnson said of her 27-year-old daughter Diane Andrea Jackson, who has been missing since Friday. With tears in her eyes, she sat outside her shop in the usually quiet community of Santoy district...

Cops walk free, accusers held

Spanish Town, St. Catherine: Three policemen who were charged a year ago with breaches of the Corruption Prevention Act, for allegedly collecting $100,000 from a businessman, were freed yesterday while their accusers found themselves placed in custody...

Government of Jamaica to present crime management strategies to nation

The Government is to highlight its planned res-ponse to the upsurge of violence in the country when Minister of National Security Dr. Peter Phillips makes a comprehensive statement to the nation...

Cabinet seeks consultant on Cockpit Country boundaries

Cabinet has approved the hiring of a consultant to determine the precise boundaries of the Cockpit Country, an area in Trelawny with an abundance of endemic flora and fauna and home...

Angry women prone to heart problems

In what may prove to be good news for husbands and boyfriends everywhere, a new United States study finds that some women who make a habit of openly expressing their anger may be more likely to develop heart problems...

Minimum wage increase

Jamaicans now earning the National Minimum Wage will see a 14 per cent increase in their take-home pay effective next Monday. Cabinet has approved an increase in the minimum wage which has moved from $70 per hour to $80 per hour...

Jamaica tsunami alert centre on fast track

GOVERNMENT IS awaiting documents for a memorandum of under-standing (MoU) with the United States, to begin construction on a tsunami centre in Jamaica. Local Government Minister, Dean Peart, told The Gleaner yesterday that once the MoU is signed...

Micro agri sector boost

The Caribbean Agribusi-ness Association (CABA) has launched a US$3.7 million (J$244.2 million) project to improve the competitiveness of small and medium-size enterprises in the agri-food industry within the Caribbean Community.

Dying words identify murder accused

The prosecution is relying on a dying declaration to prove its case against Beverly Scarlett, vendor, of 2A Penwood Road, Kingston 11, and her two adult daughters who are charged jointly with the murder of Scarlett's former lover....

'Car-pool for jazz festival'

WESTERN BUREAU: Faced with increased traffic delays due to roadworks being carried out in Montego Bay, organisers are urging patrons attending this year's Air Jamaica Jazz and Blues Festival to car-pool.

Adamou case returns to court

American-born businesswoman Kimberly Adamou, who complained last year to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights about the injustices she was receiving as a complainant, is to return to court on February 9 for the 35th time.

Passport regime in effect

THE NEW United States State Department passport regime which took effect yesterday, may already be having a negative impact on local tourism. Horace Peterkin, president of the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA)...

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