Published: Sunday | December 20, 2009

Krista Henry, Staff Reporter

DeMarco hangs out at his Chateaux Vino bar at Merrick Avenue.

Producer and artiste Collin 'DeMarco' Edwards has opened new doors for 2009 not only in terms of the songs he has been blaring on the radio, but to his own establishment - Chateaux Vino.

Located at 9 Merrick Avenue, St Andrew, DeMarco and wife Terry-Ann Edwards opened the doors to their first business endeavour, a comfortable yet stylish wine bar - that also serves some interesting food. When The Sunday Gleaner spoke with the artiste recently, he gave most of Chateaux Vino's credit to his beautiful wife, Terry-Ann, who also owns her own store at Merrick Avenue called 'Cat Walk'.

DeMarco has done popular songs such as Fallen Soldiers, Standing Soldiers, Duppy Know Who Fi Frighten as well as creating tracks for rapper Styles P, and Free from BET's 106 & Park, in addition to landing two rhythms on Elephant Man's Good 2 Go album, among countless other productions. This, however, is the artiste/producer's first step into the business world.

He told The Sunday Gleaner how the idea came about saying, "The idea came from me and my wife. We travel to a lot of European countries and see how those lounge places set up and wanted to do one of our own. My wife she decorated the place and set it up real nice."

According to an article published in The Gleaner, the wine bar accommodates approximately 50 patrons at any given time. And for additional exclusivity or privacy, there is the private or VIP room that can accommodate 12 persons where DeMarco says, "To secure this room, persons have to make reservations." There is a cost associated with this and it entitles them to certain amenities.

As an additional treat, persons can indulge in finger foods, which the owner describes as awesome. For the most part, the menu is Italian-inspired, featuring the panini delight, vino salad, flat bread pizza and cheese platter, among other items such as the shrimp delicacy wrapped in bacon.

DeMarco added, "It's fabulous, you have drapes that cover the windows, chandeliers, you have an all white room with all white chairs, it just nice. Since it opened on November 14, it's been doing well, my wife have di ting lock and we get a lot of corporate customers." Since realising their dream to own the wine bar, it took them three months to make their dream become reality.

Chateaux Vino will be hosting live weekly shows; plans are in the making for a sushi night and there is the Friday evening 'girls' night out' where there are discounts on Martinis. There are also ongoing specials on wines on specific days. According to DeMarco, they are hoping to one day bring Chateaux Vino to Mandeville and other locations as well.

In the meantime, outside of business, DeMarco is a busy man having songs out that are now doing well such as True Friends, Show It with Craig Jackson from Voicemail and Love A Come Down. He is also working on his debut album, tentatively titled I'm Not Perfect and set to be released early next year.

"I have a whole lot of new music, good music on the album. It's not really songs you're gonna know which is why dancehall is not selling now 'cause people putting out albums with a lot of old songs that are on the Internet already and nobody gonna buy it. On this album, the only one people will know is Fallen Soldiers," DeMarco said.


Most of the album was produced by DeMarco himself and will be distributed by Star Kutt Music and Koch Records, who the artiste signed a three album deal with.

Also in the works for DeMarco is a European tour in April of next year as well as a slew of performances, including 'Coca-Cola Zero presents: Sean Kingston in Concert', to be held Saturday, January 16 at the New Kingston Golf Academy. The show will feature performances from Etana, Ding Dong, Alaine, Tessanne Chin, G-Whizz, Elephant Man, Tifa and Laden, and the Coke Zero artistes: Chino, D'Angel and Serani.

Collin 'Demarco' Edwards, and his wife, Terry-Ann, make a toast at their French/European-inspired wine bar, Chateaux Vino, on Merrick Avenue. - PHOTOS BY Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer

Relax in this room with your company and enjoy Martinis and wine and, if you like, finger food with soothing instrumental music in the background.

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