Published: Saturday | November 21, 2009

Dialogue, not debate

I, as well as all other well-thinking Jamaicans, salute the prime minister's invitation to the Opposition to meet to attempt to arrive at solutions to the country's "unfixable" problems, but I respectfully beg to disagree with the notion of a 'debate'.

The word connotes a taking of sides and opposing views, with rancour and with recrimination. We are beyond that and I would suggest instead the word 'dialogue'.

What the country needs at this time is the identification of best practices at every level and the coming together of the best minds available in a genuine spirit of give and take.

In short, without accepting the title of 'coalition', accepting the concept of all minds coming together to achieve a common goal - unification of minds is the forerunner of unification of bodies which is the plateau all Jamaicans, rich or poor, need to strive for.

A unification of the minds of all Jamaicans everywhere on a common objective would be the most powerful force on Earth.

- Howard Hamilton, Q.C.


Some things to cheer about

Visiting Fort Clarence is always such a pleasure. The staff members are consistently courteous, alert, professional and responsive - from entry to departure. The beach is always clean and the lifeguards are always on hand, watching keenly.

I notice, too, an effort to be creative with the addition of beach chairs, swings, the occasional bounceabout and music. Thanks to them for maintaining a safe, family-friendly alternative.

On another note, I just wanted to share that I was able to renew the certificate of fitness for my car and the registration in only an hour and a half this week. This included two trips to the Cross Roads office of the Inland Revenue Department and one trip to the Swallowfield depot. At both places, I was dealt with promptly and efficiently. Thanks to staff members at both locations, including the knowledgeable security guard at the Cross Roads depot.

- Klao Lewis


Europe's moral declension

Having spent the last three or so decades advocating for abortion 'rights' and gay 'rights' while simultaneously undermining the values that are likely to lead to stable heterosexual families, Europe now finds that more of its population is above the age of 65 than under the age of 14.

It has been said that "the fool and his money are soon parted" and "those who do not hear will feel". On the face of it, Europe seems set to lose much more than money and in a fairly short period of time.

The question is : Are Europeans ready to hear ?

- W. West

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