Senator Bennett's cheap talk

Published: Sunday | October 11, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

As I listened to Senator Hyacinth Bennett's speech in the Senate earlier this week, I could only think that talk is cheap. She lambasted the teachers for the level of illiteracy in our schools. While I have no doubt that poor teaching does contribute to the problem of illiteracy, certainly there are many other factors that determine success of the children in our schools.

The senator's "call to action" would seem more sincere if she laid out an honest intellectual discussion as to the likely reasons for this high level of illiteracy in the schools. Her speech seemed more focus on grabbing quick and cheap media and personal publicity.

Come on Mrs Bennett - as someone paid from the public purse (in your capacity as senator), if Jamaica is to experience the new dawning that you so earnestly seem to desire, you must also demonstrate a real and genuine difference in your approach to governance.

I am, etc.,



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