Doing Shearer a disservice

Published: Friday | October 9, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

I must first commend Martin Henry on his very excellent piece contributed in this paper's Sunday edition. It was very informative. What he forgot to mention, however, was that history, or rather, Jamaican history, has been somewhat unkind to Independent Jamaica's youngest and most deserving prime minister (thus far).

Shearer was our first black prime minister, even though not elected by the masses. It is extremely unfortunate that his successor, Michael Manley, who defeated him strongly at the polls, is today heralded as Jamaica's 'best prime minister' while Shearer's name is hardly ever whispered. My bone of contention, however, is the damage that his reputation might suffer if this new currency denomination - the $5,000 - continues to be troublesome.

'More deserving'

I agree with Henry when he said that there were others who are much "more deserving". What our officials and leaders might not understand, however, is that they are quite possibly doing Shearer a great disservice. This is contrary to their belief, I am sure. The need for the creation of this new note only serves to reinforce how far we have digressed as a nation. Indeed, Shearer would not be proud.

It is my firm belief that his image and reputation may be sullied. In a country where he is hardly remembered, this note may serve to ensure that he be seen in a somewhat negative light. If this occurs, it would be a great betrayal of a great man who governed with principles and who refused to "run the country into the ground". Indeed, somebody else is more deserving of such an honour.

I am, etc.,


St Elizabeth

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