Something extra
Published: Friday | September 25, 2009

Novlet Green (left) and Dr Kurdel Espinosa sport matching smiles at the official launch of two books, 'Revelations: Beyond Political Boundaries' and 'The Grenada Intervention', authored by Edward Seaga, at the Hilton Kingston Jamaica hotel, New Kingston, on Wednesday. - Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
He did it! Former Prime Minister Edward Seaga is now an author and he launched not just one, but two, books on Wednesday. Catch all the details in the social section.
Huiping Song, first secretary and director of the political section of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Jamaica, spews splendid elegance at the People's Republic of China's National Day reception, held at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel, New Kingston, on Wednesday.
From left: Neryl Brydon, Joan Woodstock and Shirley Williams are having a grand time at Wednesday's launch of Edward Seaga's two books. - Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Dr Kim McLemore strikes a pretty pose during the launch of the Vision 2020 Campaign at Campion College. Unveiled were the plans for the new main library, which is to be named The Jonathan Stewart Library, for the late past student and son of Gordon 'Butch' Stewart of the Sandals chain. - Colin Hamilton/freelance photographer
The fabulous lady doctor, paediatrician Carlene Grant-Davis, is svelte at baby Bridget Jovi Robbins' baptism at the Holy Trinity Church in Montego Bay on Sunday. See all the details in Sunday's Outlook. - Janet Silvera Photo
From left: Debbie-Ann Brown, Alicia Reid and Melissa Moo Young are picture perfect for the China National Day reception. - Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Members of the American Women's Group during their first meeting since the summer holidays, (from left) Jean Lowe, second vice-president for scholarships; Marcia Lee, membership chairperson; Jan Harmon, president; Jennifer Lim, first vice president programmes, Dawn Woodstock, immediate past president, Annie Lopez, secretary. - Ian Allen/Photographer
Campion head girl Sharlayne Waller presents Gordon 'Butch' Stewart with an architect's design of the proposed new main library at the launch of the Vision 2020 Campaign at Campion College on Wednesday. - Colin Hamilton/freelance photographer