Christians wasting time

Published: Saturday | September 19, 2009


The recent announcement that Caymanas Park Ltd would commence Sunday racing shortly has been met with serious opposition and condemnation from a host of Jamaica's churches and Christians.

From the middle of the fourth century to the fall of Constant-inople, and even beyond, the Roman church and the Greek church could find nothing better to do than engage in bitter rivalry and counterclaims, which many believe contributed to the birth and growth of Islam, a development that was oblivious to both factions; and which at one time seemed to threaten their survival and relevance. Instead of learning from those mistakes, the modern Christian church is perfecting the tradition of wasting time by becoming militant over sinners committing sin.

The Christian church must realise that it is wasting valuable time when it tries to get legislation enacted against things like gambling, prostitution, homosexuality, etc, when it should be engaged in the relentless preaching of the Gospel. Has the Christian church stopped to think that if it were preaching more and living better there might not have been so many gamblers, prostitutes, and homosexuals? That is the mission of the Church - to preach the gospel to sinful mankind, not to hold up placard and demonstrate against people who are bent on building monuments to ungodliness.


I ask the following questions:

How will the non-introduction of Sunday racing enhance or stabilise the moral direction of this country while we retain Saturday and Wednesday racing? Surely, Christians could not think that one day less would contribute to a bettering of the moral situation?

Should those persons who go to church on Saturday demand of the Government the abolition of racing on Saturday?

Let me remind the Christians that their responsibility to this world is to preach the Gospel in season and out of season; and if men reject this Gospel, the day of their trial and condemnation is not far off.

I am, etc.,