Jamaica Gleaner Entertainment
Published: Monday Wednesday | September 9, 2009
A season of song, dance and drama

YOU GET much more than song from the Jamaican Folk Singers in their 2009 concert season titled Uplift Jamaica. You also get dance, drama and great visual pleasure from colourful costumes, which are changed frequently throughout the show... Read More...
Tka Briscoe: the everyday Caribbean woman
Pretty soon the public is going to have to reconsider bashing the modelling industry for misrepresenting 'real' women. Following a growing global trend, fashion powerhouse Pulse hosted its first full-figure competition as part of the Caribbean Model Search (CMS) finals... Read More...
Something extra
Caster Semenya turns cover girl and breaks her silence on the furore over her gender, which made headlines around the world. "I see it all as a joke; it doesn't upset me," she says. "God made me the way I am and I accept myself. I am who I am and I'm proud... Read More...