Jamaica Gleaner Feature
Published: Monday Saturday | September 5, 2009
Party scene - Wet and Wild Marco Polo
The recent Marco Polo party was indeed wet and wild. Fashion and friends transformed the Cable and Wireless Golf Academy into the headquarters of fun on August 20 and the fans didn't forget to bring the vibes. Read More...
Party Scene - Village Café![](images/Layout1_1_PWIOBVillageBAM.jpg)
Nothing quite gets Village Café stirring like familiar faces who feel at home in one of Kingston's night-time havens, and when the sexy and savvy turned out at the hot spot, Saturday Life couldn't resist those magnetic smiles. Read More...
Popeye's spinach for good health![](images/Layout1_1_PUIY4PopeyePeAM.jpg)
THERE WAS always a reason why mother encouraged you to eat your greens. Popeye took his daily dose of his favourite food, spinach, so he could boast of his muscular strength. We should be as smart as Popeye and eat more spinach in our diets. Read More...
Doctor's advice - Three years of stomach pain
I am a 23-year-old male Gleaner reader living in Canada. I experience stomach pain not long after every meal. It feels like acid burning the walls of my stomach and the pain extends up towards my throat. I tried taking an antacid, but it did not work. What kind of illness do you think I have? Will it stop? I have had it for three years now. Read More...
Class Acts: Sts Peter and Paul Prep![](images/Layout1_1_P6WWTtsPeteraAM.jpg)
What are full of laughter, drive and adventure, lavender in colour and about to embark one of the biggest journeys of their lives? The graduates of the Sts Peter and Paul Preparatory School. Read More...
Operation 'Tweet' - Twitter goes under the knife with elderly patient
From anaesthesia to the recovery room, 70-year-old Monna Cleary's children followed her surgery - 140 characters or less at a time. Twitter is opening doors to the sterile confines of operating rooms, paving the way for families - and anyone else for that matter - to follow a patient's progress as they go under the knife. Read More...