Published: Tuesday | August 25, 2009

How should the Government celebrate the success of our athletes at the World Championships in Athletics in Berlin?

Priscilla Pearce:

I think the celebration at the National Stadium is a good thing but we can also do something similar to last year when we had that great Olympics. Western Jamaica should have an opportunity to participate in the celebrations, so they could probably have one at the Trelawny stadium, seeing that Usain and Veronica are from that parish.

Courtney Gray:

I don't think the Government should spend too much money on elaborate celebrations, they should ask for corporate sponsors to help with any celebration plans. A small motorcade through the communities where the athletes are from would be a good thing, so it can give everyone the opportunity to see their stars.

Nathan Lawrence:

I don't think that the only one should be held in Kingston. A celebration can be held outside of Kingston to allow other persons to see our track and field stars and celebrate their achievements.

Kenneth Murray:

Everyone should get a piece of the pie. They can't only keep one in Kingston, a celebration can be held at the Trelawny stadium. We down this side want to celebrate the success of our athletes; not everyone can travel to Kingston.

Gail Wauliss:

The Government doesn't have enough money at this time for a huge celebration islandwide. I think the one in Kingston will be enough. The only difference is that if they have received enough corporate sponsorship, well, one can be held in Western Jamaica to allow us to show our appreciation for what they did.

- Photos and text compiled by Sheena Gayle