Armadale Enquiry - Another witness blames police for fire

Published: Wednesday | August 19, 2009

Kimesha Walters, Gleaner Writer

Two wards who survived the deadly May 22 fire at the Armadale Juvenile Correctional Centre yesterday revealed that they saw a policeman throw tear gas into the office dormitory at the institution before the fire started.

One of the witnesses who received severe burns on both hands and her back said she saw the policeman leave the institution and return shortly afterwards. One of the girls inside the dorm alerted the others about what the policeman was doing. "See di policeman come back wid tear gas an bomb inna him hand," the witness said.

She later told the enquiry that she saw the policeman hurl the device into the building.

Item not identified

However, the witness said she did not see what was thrown as the lights were off, but saw smoke. "When me turn mi see fire pon di bed wheh di police officer throw di thing."

On Monday, a 16-year-old ward also told the enquiry that she saw the police leave and return to Armadale. She said the tear gas came through the window facing the playing field, and she covered her mouth and nose as she began to feel the effects.

While several witnesses say they had seen the policeman throw the object, Constable Lawrence Burrell repeatedly denied the allegations when he appeared before the enquiry on July 28.

The enquiry resumes today at the Council of Voluntary Social Services National Volunteer Centre in Kingston.