Jamaica Gleaner Business
Published: Monday Sunday | August 16, 2009
Law School fee hike - Barbados component scrapped

The University of the West Indies (UWI) has transformed its law faculty into a self-financing entity, which has responded by rolling back subsidised tuition for its student enrollees. Read More...
J'cans unable to afford full-cost programmes
Six years ago, in 2004, the Faculty of Medical Sciences at the University of the West Indies introduced the option of doing medicine by payment of the full cost.According to professor Archibald McDonald, dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, this was... Read More...
A souring relationship
QUESTION: I began a relationship with a broker in April 2008. It started when I purchased my first car. I had had my driver's licence for only one month. I paid $117,000 for comprehensive coverage. Read More...
Why you should pay your debts
Legislation facilitating the creation of credit bureaus is under consideration, and soon, it will be fairly easy to establish your track record for paying your debt through credit agencies.So, if you are one of those who... Read More...
Retirement-planning strategies for the mature - A 10-year plan
If you are late at the starting post in planning for retirement, it might not be enough to take comfort in the fact that 46 per cent of the world's populace is doing the same.Ideally, one should start planning for retirement early.Still,... Read More...
Targeting a lump sum for retirement
Interested in leaving your job in the next 10 years and heading into early retirement? You first need to estimate what kind of income you will need to survive. Read More...
Money needed for fashion business
Dear SmallBiz, This is my problem. Last year, two of my friends and I, upon leaving university, decided to start a small fashion business. Read More...
Starting a wholesale business
Several of our readers have approached us with the idea of getting into the food-distribution business - dry goods and meat - as a wholesaler.If the idea of opening a wholesale establishment has been lingering on your mind, you should be happy to know... Read More...
Market trends
There were mixed results on the markets last week since the credit-rating downgrade and negative outlook on Jamaica issued by Standard & Poor's, but trading eventually stabilised. Read More...
Tax dodgers scramble to come clean amid crackdown
WASHINGTON (AP):A deal with Switzerland settling US demands for the names of suspected tax dodgers from a Swiss bank has a lot of wealthy Americans with offshore accounts nervously running to their tax advisers - and the Internal Revenue Service. Read More...
The latest craze: Free e-book offerings
James Patterson's latest best-seller, The Angel Experiment, is a little different from his usual hits. The novel isn't new; it came out four years ago. Readers aren't picking it up at bookstores, but mostly on the Kindle site at Amazon.com. Read More...
Are your pension-plan members engaged?
A new buzzword in human-resource (HR) circles in recent years has been the term 'employee engagement'.It is defined as "a heightened emotional connection that an employee feels for his or her organisation that influences him or her to exert greater... Read More...