Ocho Rios youths get taste of theatre, drama disciplines
Published: Monday | August 3, 2009

Children relax during a break from The Young Actors' workshop. - Contributed
Children between the ages of eight and 13 years old in Ocho Rios, St Ann, are being exposed to the multiple disciplines of theatre and drama.
The Young Actors' theatre workshop is geared at exposing children to basic elements, which include improvisation, characterisation, voice and speech, storytelling, acting and technical stage use.
The workshop, being conducted by Shermaine Desnoes, is held at the Rio Blaco gym in White River on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Dramatic arts
Desnoes has experience in the dramatic arts, being a former lecturer in theatre at the University College of the Caribbean, St Ann branch, a drama coordinator at Wolmer's Boys, producer and costume designer of an Actor Boy awarded play, broadcaster at IRIE FM, multiple awardee at the University of the West Indies' dramatic arts competition, 'Tallawah', and also a former St Ann Festival Queen.
According to Desnoes, the children have been enjoying themselves at the workshop which, she says, is an excellent way to improve confidence, team work and self-esteem.
"Drama has always been a part of my life and it has developed my confidence and made me the go-getter person I am today," she explained.
Desnoes says working with children is her passion and comes effortlessly.
"There is something special about working with children ... that fresh curiosity and imagination is priceless and when they put their effort behind that, it's veryrewarding to watch," she added.
When asked about the workshop, 10-year-old Breanna Price said: "It's fun and educational and I get to meet new friends. I wish it was every day!"
The workshop is still recruiting participants, particularly for the remaining sessions which will cover acting, characterisation,technical stage use and directing.
"There is so much to cover in drama, it will take years and years to really get into it. I am myself an eternal student, but what we are offering here is something to get their appetites started," Desnoes said.
- Carl Gilchrist