The EU and abortion

Published: Monday | August 3, 2009

Richard Ho Lung - diary of a ghetto priest

Some pro-abortionists have proposed that in Jamaica, anyone - doctor, nurse, priest, pastor or guidance counsellor - who rejects or advises against abortion should be charged and found guilty for not performing or not encouraging the performance of the procedure.

While the proposed bill recom-mends punishment for medical personnel who do not perform abortions and refuse to advise the woman where she could have one done, at least one pro-abortion group has recommended punish-ment for persons who speak against abortions in areas where the procedure is done.

We need to understand that abortion is murder. It is the snuffing out of life. Therefore, the new law proposing abortion, and silencing those who are for life, is diabolical. It is a strange reversal of God's law, 'Thou shall not kill'.

The European Union (EU) and its powerful material wealth is often exported along with its hedonism, materialism and atheism so foreign to us. Loans or financial gifts tie us to conditions for some countries in the EU. Abortion is one of those conditions. Let us not forget that nothing is free. I believe there is a new slavery in our times, with the principle that money is king. When we owe money, we are slaves. We must comply with the masters.

In a recent speech (March 2009), Ambassador Marco Mazzochi Alemani of the EU stated that the EU did not tie loans or grants to abortion issues. This is not entirely true. It is known that recently the EU Commissioner Ferraro Waldner had Francesca Mosca as his Ambassador threaten the National Parliament of Nicaragua to rescind legislation protecting the life of the unborn. Sweden subsequently cut $20 million in aid to that country.


Also, the German Federal Minister for Economics Co-operation and Development, Heidemaine Wieczorek-Zeaul, stated:, "The international community of the donor countries clearly expressed to President Ortega (of Nicaragua) that there will be immediate consequences in terms of development cooperation, if his national piece of legislation is not repealed." Other European countries such as Sweden and Holland seemed to be pushing, if not bullying, other developing countries in matters of abortion.

As atheism, hedonism and materialism replace Judeo-Christian principles of life, Europe seems to be making a death wish. Its population is declining and the greying of Europe seems to be rapidly happening. Nevertheless, it persists in its policy of sex without consequence.

With the event of population growth among the Muslims and their strict moral principles of pro-life, I believe the United Nations (UN) does not dare to enforce abortion explicitly. However, there are agencies receiving tremendous aid for abortion from Europe and from UN (for example the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). This way, the EU promotes abortion but washes its hands clean by passing on the job to other abortion agencies.

Blood money

I ask the EU Ambassador to Jamaica, Marco Alemani, who disclaims my statement about blood money and abortion: Does the EU promote abortion and tie it to international aid? Does it fund IPPF and the UNFPA which support abortion? Is the EU's help being given in Jamaica for abortion whether it be direct or indirect? What is the relationship with these two agencies in Jamaica?

I wish that the richer countries that have the means would be truly benevolent and be partners in developing our country and other needy countries. We need to develop family life, education, hospitals, housing and agriculture with money that does not interfere with our own way of living and our beliefs.

I do not want the womb of our mothers to be the killing fields for innocent babies. If abortion is legalised, surely it will become wholesale as has happened in Europe and the United States of America. I do not desire any abortionist to be hurt but to understand the terrible sin committed.

Richard Ho Lung is founder and superior general of Missionaries of the Poor. Feedback may be sent to