Justice Square

Published: Wednesday | July 22, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

Many Jamaicans are somewhat excited about plans to establish 'Justice Square'. This represents a step in the right direction to finally create visible national governance in the nation's capital city.

According to The Gleaner, "Justice Square will accommodate the expansion of the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, while facilitating offices for the newly created Court Management Service (CMS)."

Question! Where will the Ministry of Justice be located?

Ideal location

My hope is that the government does the right thing and relocate it from its costly, uptown location, so hidden away from the public, and establish a visible presence in downtown Kingston. The old post office building (after it is renovated) on King Street, with its proximity to the Supreme Court, could be the ideal location for the new Ministry of Justice headquarters.

Editor, there cannot be justice in Justice Square without the Ministry of Justice.

I am, etc.,

Michael Brown


Washington, DC