NDTC'S 47th season of dance opens July 24
Published: Sunday | July 19, 2009

The NDTC in performance.
The 47th season of dance of Jamaica's premier dance theatre ensemble, National Dance Theatre Company (NDTC), opens at Little Theatre, Tom Redcam Drive on July 24.
The large number of new works to be featured signifies the growth and development of the art of dance on Jamaica's cultural landscape ever since the NDTC was established in 1962 and gave impetus to the movement.
Many of the dance creators for the company's 47th season are new-generation dance artistes who have emerged out of the training systems now accessible to the young. The NDTC is the natural beneficiary of the seeds the company sowed 47 years ago, says its artistic director, Rex Nettleford.
'Caged' and 'The Silencing' are two dance works created by Kerry-Ann Henry, a lead dancer and a pioneer for other NDTC members, now performing in the London-based Disney musical 'The Lion King'. Marlon Simms, the NDTC dance captain has crafted 'Spiritual Retention' while Kevin Moore, who returned to the company after a season with the renowned Garth Fagan Dance in the USA, has created 'Moments of Peace' for Keita-Marie Chamberlain, Kerry-Ann Henry and Stefanie Belnavis. Chamberlain has herself remounted 'Unconditional Love', which received enthusiastic reception at the Easter Sunday morning event earlier this year.
Experimental works
Two experimental works, 'Analogue X' and 'Dear Sylvie', are the offerings of Stefanie Thomas and Belnavis, respectively. The dub poetry and music of Mutabaruka have once again inspired an NDTC work - this time 'My Skin, My Kin created by Christina Gonzalez.
Clive Thompson, an established choreographer with the NDTC, has created his suite-like 'Vignettes of Life', which displays the technical and artistic skills of a number of NDTC talents while Arsenio Andrade allows Christopher Walker an opportunity for an expressive solo entitled 'Reflection'.
Nettleford has dedicated his new work 'Apocalypse' to the highly gifted Chalice band. The revival of his 'Tintinabulum' offers challenges for the younger dancers taking on roles originally created for the likes of Arlene Richards, Deroi Rose, Abeldo Gonzales and Arsenio Andrade. Andrade's 'Asi Somos' will also be remounted as will Nettleford's folk romp, 'Sly Mongoose'.
The NDTC Singers under the direction of Marjorie Whylie and assisted by Minky Jefferson complete the NDTC's performers supported by an orchestra of flautists, guitarists, keyboard players and drummers.
The team also includes lighting technician Rufus McDonald, Tony Holness on sound, Barbara Kaufmann with the wardrobe and Tony Locke and Dwayne Brown as stage managers.