Who should resign?

Published: Thursday | July 16, 2009


As the Opposition now habi-tually calls for the resignations of various government officials, it seems to do this with an acute case of amnesia.

The political amateur, Opposition Senator Mark Golding, while demanding the resignation of Finance Minister Audley Shaw, confidently pronounced his various reasons which have informed his declaration that the minister should resign. Apparently he has forgot Omar Davies' disastrous period as finance minister. Sadly, Senator Golding, in a political-frenzied atmosphere, let slip a very careless statement which contradicts his role as a member of the Upper House. In calling for the minister's resignation, he also declared that he did not care who the Jamaica Labour Party replaced Mr Shaw with as finance minister, and that it was their business.

Political idealism

I am yet to understand how any Jamaican, let alone a senator who has been appointed to act on behalf of the nation, can say he does not care who is appointed as finance minister. This is sad as it teaches Jamaicans not to buy into a particular political idealism of patriotism that seems to not hold much currency in Jamaica at present.

Meanwhile, in the wake of the resignation of State Minister in the Ministry of Transport and Works, Joseph Hibbert, People's National Party Chairman and General Secretary Bobby Pickersgill, in television interviews, indicated much pleasure in this decision and, according to him, this was long overdue. Pickersgill seems also to be experiencing amnesiac condi-tions as he needs to be reminded that he was the minister of transport and works for the period under investigation in which Hibbert, who was then chief technical officer in the same ministry, has now been implicated.

It is also from the depths of hypocrisy that the Opposition could have asked for Hibbert's resignation when Kern Spencer sits comfortably in the Lower House.

I am, etc.,



Linstead, St Catherine