Jamaica Gleaner Feature

Published: Monday Sunday | June 21, 2009

Jamaica celebrates - Building Our Nation, Our Family, Our Home
The attainment of constitutional indepen-dence, according to some, did not usher in any significant new changes in Jamaican life. Admittedly, independent status did bring with it additional responsibilities, notably in regard to the local control and manipulation of foreign relationships. Read More...

Jamaica on my mind
I was born in Jamaica and left in 1980 for Canada. I don't remember anything about the Independence celebrations itself or 1962 - I was born only three months before Independence Day. But, of course, I'd say it was a move absolutely for the better. Read More...

Jamaica celebrates - Formation of NDTC
The National Dance Theatre Company (NDTC) of Jamaica was formed in 1962 following the Independence Gala Show Roots and Rhythms, with the blessing of the Minister of Development and Welfare, headed by the then minister, the Hon Edward Seaga. It was actually formed at a meeting held in Chancellor Hall on the UWI Mona campus. Read More...

Life after university will be a challenge
I am a regular reader of The Gleaner and as I have been reading recently, it is apparent that the average graduate is departing the University of the West Indies (UWI), University of Technology, or Northern Caribbean University with mixed emotions. Read More...