Gilbert gives back
Published: Friday | June 19, 2009

Dr Claude Packer (right), president of The Mico University College, accepts a cheque from Earle 'Aggrey' Henry, a member of the 153rd batch of Miconians, as one of the donations that the batch made to the institution to assist with bursaries for current Mico students. - Contributed
With the start of the hurricane season on June 1, the word Gilbert causes many persons to shudder as they recall very graphic and frightening memories of the infamous hurricane that ravaged the island on September 12, 1988.
It was that same morning that a new batch of students were to journey to the Mico Teachers' College on Marescaux Road to commence their three-year journey in teacher education.
Unfortunately for these students, their plans did not materialise as Hurricane Gilbert delayed their entry into college by approximately three months. Due to the pivotal role that this natural phenomenon played in their lives, the group became affectionately known as the 'Gilbert Batch'.
The mico's traditions
This Gilbert Batch recently shared in one of Mico's long and exciting traditions - The Mico Week - a time when the college showcases its involvement in the education sector and puts plans into place to improve its contribution to the society. It is also a week when the college celebrates the reunion of the students who entered the college 20 years earlier.
For an institution as old as The Mico, it is understandable that there are many traditions that the college still maintains. However, above all else, there is one principle that is inculcated in every Miconian - the tradition of giving.
During The Mico Week celebrations, the Gilbert Batch showed that the teachings of The Mico were not in vain.
In recognition of the hardships that students are now experiencing to complete their studies, the batch made a donation to the college to cover the cost of three bursaries (one for each student from the areas of primary, secondary and special education). The batch also made a special donation towards the medical expenses of one of the lecturers who has undergone heart surgery.
The batch has also opened an account to which contributions will be made and these funds will be used to maintain the bursaries that were recently handed over so three students can benefit from this resource on an annual basis.
All past students of the Gilbert Batch, 1988-1991, are encouraged to donate what they can afford to this fund in order to ensure that needy students of The Mico are given the opportunity to gain an education in teacher training.
The account is established at Scotiabank in the name Mico Batch 153 and the account number is 802788.
For further information please contact:
Ruthlyn Johnson - 424-8328.