A surprise party guest

Published: Sunday | June 7, 2009

T. Rolle, Contributor

Paula and her two children, Sasha and Keisha, were bubbling with anticipation. They were preparing for the costume party. Their excitement grew as the evening drew near. She had decorated the house for the party and the food was to be delivered later. The children were beside themselves as the party was going to be their first party ever. Paula ventured outside to open the gate to accommodate the guests. She went back inside to put on the finishing touches on the decoration. As she walked along the concrete path, a figure lay in waiting. Someone was hiding in the garden where the bougainvilleas were, situated before a clump of yellow crotons. Behind the crotons the figure lay in waiting, watching, desperately as she closed the door behind her.

She stood on a stool while the children held the tape and scissors for her. Keisha blew up a big balloon, handed it to her mother. There was constant chatter between the two girls.

"Can you believe we are really going to see Uncle Max?" said Keisha. "Oh, I can't wait!" said Sasha as she picked up the tape.

It was twilight and dusk peeked outside ominously.

There were footsteps on the concrete pathway. Then a knock and instinctively Keisha and Sasha jumped.

"Yeah, that's Uncle Max!" announced Keisha.

They raced each other to the door before Paula could tell them to slow down. Keisha opened the door expectantly.


To their surprise it was not Uncle Max, or anyone they knew. Paula realised she didn't recognise the stranger as she approached the door. He was wearing a party mask and a strange costume. He slowly made his entrance through the door. Paula was surprised that the stranger did not speak. He unzipped the top of his costume and took out a gun.

"Uncle Max, is that you?"

He stealthily walked towards the living room, pointing the gun at them. The sound of cars could be heard pulling up the driveway as the time for the party drew near.

The intruder heard the car and in a dizzied panic he closed the door and in a muffled voice muttered:

"Let's go upstairs."

He outstretched his arm, pointing with the gun and dexterously used the other hand to pick up some tape and string that was used for the decorations. They walked upstairs nervously.

He forced them into the closet along the passageway and closed the door. He used the strings to tie them up and the tape was used to bound and gag them.

Uncle Max was excited about seeing his sister and nieces. He looked forward to the party. After being away for so many years he was home at last to Jamaica and ready for a party.

He approached the gateway and walked up the concrete path when he noticed that the garden was badly trampled.

He entered the living area. To his amazement, no one was there.

"Hello! Where is everybody?" he called. He walked around the room looking rapidly around, glancing over the furniture and walls. He called incessantly but still no answer.

Soon, Max heard the talking and laughter outside the gateway. It was Paula's friends who were just showing up at the party. Max greeted the guests and everyone noted that Paula was nowhere in sight.

"Where could she be?" asked one of the guests.

"I don t know. The house was empty when I came," said Max.

"Have you gone upstairs?" asked another guest.

"No," said Max.

"Let's go upstairs then."

Night was drawing even nearer, as more guests were arriving, the house was being filled by the minute.

As Max and the new guests approach the stairs, they could hear a shuffling of feet.

"Paula, is that you?" No answer.

When the intruder heard the sound of the footsteps coming up the stairs, he panicked and ordered Paula and the children to leave the closet. He pointed the gun at them.

One of the guests heard and ran back downstairs to raise an alarm. In a minute, all the remaining guests were running upstairs to see what was happening.


As Max entered the stairs, he noticed the intruder standing, pointing the gun at Paula. He immediately ran towards the gunman, approaching him from behind. He clutched the intruder's hand with the gun and yanked it from his hand, disarming him. During the process, the assailant gave him a back kick in his groin sending him on the floor. Max had the gun in his hand, but he could not move as an excruciating pain surged through his muscles, disabling him.

By this time, the guests came streaming upstairs. They saw Max on the floor with the gun as the intruder was moving towards him to retrieve it.

When the intruder realised that the guests were approaching him rapidly, he tried to run down the passageway. The attempt was futile as the guests all jumped him, cornering him from every angle, grabbing every part of his body.

During the process his mask fell off and the guests were aghast. It was Rueben, Paula's former gardener.