Right on, Mr PM

Published: Thursday | March 5, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

Prime Minister Bruce Golding's pronouncement in Parliament recently that the country's buggery laws would not be repealed is welcome news to many of us Jamaicans. Not bowing to local or international pressure, Golding's stance against homosexual behaviour shows courage and respect for the laws of our country.

The prime minister has a duty to the Jamaica people and the Constitution, to uphold all laws while enacting policies and conducting business on our behalf, therefore, the laws against the act of buggery should be enforced.

Homosexuality is a choice against the teachings of Christ and there are too many of our so-called religious leaders who are scared and hypocritical when it comes to preaching the real gospel and teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Aristotle once said: "Courage is dependent on sound judgment, for it needs to be known whether the end justifies the risk incurred."

Prime Minister Bruce Golding and Father Holung are to be commended for being resolute in their comments and belief in the laws and moral absolutism against buggery.

I am, etc.,


