MY DOWN TIME - Zahra Burton taking it easy
Published: Sunday | December 21, 2008

Zahra Burton, Miss Jamaica Universe 2001.
Keisha Shakespeare-Blackmore, Staff Reporter
Zahra Burton, Miss Jamaica Universe 2001, is now a journalist at the Bloomberg News in New York. She has been there for the last four years.
Burton studied marketing and international business at Florida University (1996-1999). She later completed a master's degree in broadcast journalism at the University of Southern California (2002-2004).
She is vacationing in Jamaica for the Christmas season.
Which CD are you listening to?
ZB: Dancing on the Ceiling by Lionel Richie. This song gives me energy and I listen to it while working out at the gym.
Which book are you reading?
ZB: I am reading two books at the moment, Barack Obama's Audacity of Hope and Happy for No Reason by Marci Shimoff. I am reading Audacity of Hope because of president-elect Barack Obama's historic win. I want to learn about his thinking behind the decisions he will make as president. Plus, as a journalist, to understand whether there are any inconsistencies with his policies.
What was the last interesting place you visited?
ZB: The last interesting place I visited was Venice back in 1998. I am also hoping to visit Egypt next year. I would like to see the mummys and other attractions. I have always wanted to own a gold ring from Egypt.
The thing is, I have always wanted to go to the Middle East because of the whole war on terror. I have seen many things on television but I want to go there and see and experience it for myself. And, their diet is very good.