For many persons throughout the length and breadth of Jamaica, Hurricane Gilbert is not just remembered for being dangerous as it swept through street and lane, but for the rehabilitation period, which for most was long and hard with many inconveniences. Here is what some persons had to say about the ordeal.
Kereen Mills, 30-year-old cashier
It was a very calm morning and a lot of people did not believe we would have a hurricane. My family house did not get any damage. However, a lot of my neighbours' houses got damaged. I remember I saw a lot of looters with several appliances during the storm. Things were very shaky even months after because it was too much damage for some families.
Christine Rowe, 34-year-old store clerk
I was travelling quite a great distance that morning, so the hurricane actually caught me on the road. I was, however, fortunate nothing happened to my house, but we suffered a lot of inconvenience after the hurricane, such as no electricity, bad roads and no water, even months after.
Sandra Mann, 41-year-old schoolteacher
I was excited on hearing about a hurricane coming to Jamaica, but when it finally arrived it became terrifying because a part of the roof on my house blew off. It's an experience I will never forget because of the inconvenience we suffered, even months after.
Melody Walters, 31-year-old waitress
It was my first experience of a hurricane and the roof of my house blew off. My family had to move and stay with our neighbours for a little time. It was difficult for the family, even months after, because we got no help in repairing our home.
Kelson Simmonds, 71-year-old carpenter
It was not the first hurricane I had experienced, so I was aware of what to expect. My house got a lot of damage; however, I was able to repair it myself. Because of the nature of my job, I got a lot of work after the hurricane.