Daviot Kelly, Staff Reporter
Sasha Parke (left) of USAID raps with COK's Brenda Cuthbert at the dedication ceremony.
In light of what Gustav might do, we might need the help.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have a new home, located on the US Embassy grounds.
Created after 9/11
While more persons are familiar with USAID's work, ICE is an arm of the US Department of Homeland Security created after 9/11. The unit deals with numerous areas including weapons smuggling, immigration fraud and human trafficking.
Mission Director of USAID Dr Karen Hilliard said the move to the facility would certainly contribute to improved coordination among all US agencies in Jamaica. She said she looked forward to continued achievements in programme areas including economic growth, education and health. US Ambassador Brenda LaGrange Johnson said the annex would enhance the mission's flexibility and efficiency and that the consolidation of the USAID would provide new synergies and benefits.
Mission Director of USAID Dr Karen Hilliard (left) hobnobs with Rose Wehrli (centre) and Clelia Barreto de Hunter at the dedication of the new USAID and Immigration and Customs Enforcement building.
Boss Furniture's Omar Azan and an animated Dr Karen Hilliard, mission director of USAID. - Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Kingston Mayor Desmond McKenzie (centre) jokes that he is surrounded by developers. He chats with (from left) Robert McKinnie from the US Department of State's Overseas Building Operations; Jerry Jay, project director for the operations; Reynold Scott, chairman of the Jamaica Developers' Association, and Omar Azan of Boss Furniture.
Kingston Mayor Desmond McKenzie (third left) and American Ambassador Brenda LaGrange Johnson (third right) cuts the ribbon at the dedication ceremony of the new USAID and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) building at the US Embassy on OId Hope Road, last Friday. Assisting them are Dr Karen Hilliard, mission director of USAID, and Robert McKinnie, from the US Department of State Overseas Building Operations. Looking on are Jerry Jay (left), project director, and Vance Callender of ICE.