Incandescent bulb sucks energy and pushes up your light bill. - File
1. Replace all incandescent light sources with compact fluorescent. You will cut energy used by two thirds.
2. Use task lighting instead of high wattage area lighting for an entire room.
3. Use appliances that are efficient and no larger than needed to do the job. For many cooking tasks, a microwave oven will do what you want to do and save a lot of energy doing it.
4. On cooler nights, use your ceiling fans instead of the air-conditioning unit.
5. Wash clothes in hot water but rinse them in warm rather than hot, to save heating costs. After the spin cycle, remove your clothes and let them dry on a line. Save money on drying.

Energy-saving fluorescent light bulb for domestic use. - Andrew Smith/Photography Editor
6. Plug out all appliances which are not being used, as some will still use energy even though the off switch has been activated. Plug out TVs, VCRs, stoves, microwaves and other gadgets.
7. Request an actual electric meter reading rather than accept an estimated one. Some families receive an estimated use analysis that dictates their monthly bill instead of getting an actual meter reading each month.
8. Turn off lights in empty rooms. Turn off the computer when it is not in use. Reduce the amount of time spent watching television.
9. Do fewer loads of laundry weekly. Don't run the dishwasher until it's full, or consider washing dishes by hand occasionally.
10. Don't use too many appliances at the same time. Store away or sell appliances you no longer need.
- Outlook Team