Baby Shower - Teenage pregnancy is a major problem in Jamaica and there seems to be no letting up in the numbers
Beryl Weir, executive director of the Women's Centre of Jamaica Founda-tion, says 1,544 girls were enrolled at that institution in the period 2006-2007. The foundation caters to girls under the age of 17 who become pregnant while attending school...
'Use churches for counselling'
Churches in Jamaica and, in particular, the Adventist denomination, were called upon to use their facilities to counsel individuals who are in need of someone to relate to as the nation faces tougher economic and social problems. The call came last Sunday from Dr Wendel Abel...
Call to market Jamaica's unique appeal
WESTERN BUREAU: Determined to change the perception of Jamaica as just a country of 'sun, sea and sand', new president of the Association of Jamaican Attractions Limited (AJAL), Marc Melville, says he wants the multi-billion dollar attraction sector to enhance...
Emancipation activities to breathelife into Sligoville Sports Complex
THERE HAS not been a lot of activity at the Sligoville stadium since work on that complex was completed in early 2007. But a wide-scale plan, charted by a nine-member committee, is banking on bringing renewed energy to the historic St Catherine town...
Big stink in Mona Heights over garbage pileup
Residents of Mona Heights, St Andrew, are fed up with the National Solid Waste Management Authority's (NSWMA) infrequent collection of the community's garbage. The residents complained that the haulers no longer pick up domestic waste on any particular day...
British Baptists to apologise for slavery
A delegation representing British Baptists is travelling to Jamaica this Thursday to apologise to Jamaican Baptists for the transatlantic slave trade. During their stay, the delegation will have the opportunity to meet Jamaican Baptists and worship in...