With the high costs associated with fuel, which have resulted in a rapid increase in the cost of living, if you could find a sure way to steal electricity without being detected, would you do it?
Damian Lester
Of course, and mi know mi nah get ketch. I don't think nutten wrong wid taking some electricity as long as yuh nah endanger nobody life.
Fitz Campbell
No, because it is not right. That is prison work, and even if you think you benefiting from it at the time, you always end up paying in some way in the long run.
Andrew Brown
Yeah, because the economy gone out of range. I wouldn't have no problem taking some light if I wouldn't get catch, 'cause it would be a good way to eliminate some of the bills.
Kadeine Knight
I don't think I would because I would, always be thinking, what if. What if I get electrocuted or if I get caught, because in this country you always have to pay for things in the long run.
Dwayne Fagan
I would not steal electricity because it's not only wrong, but I would feel guilty knowing that the legitimate taxpayers and customers are suffering because of my theft.