The final costing of what you want will be affected by the desired decorative fabric, lining if necessary, accessories and rods.
Window style is based on the architectural design of the room. In choosing drapes, curtains or blinds, you should consider how the window functions and the size of the window as well.
The right window dressing will enhance the overall style of the room, whether traditional, contemporary, period, eclectic, or country.
Consider your lifestyle and budget as well, suggests interior decorator Sharon Lowe.
"Imagine having the elegant pleated cream drapes in a room with a toddler with chocolate hands and crayons, or you having a love for the outdoors and have to constantly pull back heavy drapes to see the view."
After you have determined your design requirements, think about how much can you spend or should spend. Go for less if you live in a rented apartment, consider how long will you be staying there. Will it work in the next apartment you will move to?
The final costing of what you want will be affected by the desired decorative fabric, lining if necessary, accessories and rods. You might need to consider less expensive fabric, simplify your design or do your window treatment in stages.
Getting ready to purchase

The right window dressing will enhance the overall style of the room.
When going shopping for fabric, bear in mind your window style and décor, which includes your colour scheme. Take samples of the fabric, after checking how the samples look in your home, then you are ready to purchase.
In Kingston, the cost of drapery material alone per panel (20 inches to a panel) is between $1,200 for cotton blend to $12,400 for super satin. Simple curtains can be bought downtown for $600 to $800 per panel.

When shopping for fabric, bear in mind your window style and décor, which includes your colour scheme. - Andrew Smith/ Photography Editor
If you want specialists to create your drapes for you with valances and side panels, it will cost you around $18,000 to $20,000 for three panels or 60 inches of window. To get custom-made drapes for two sets of windows 60 inches wide each - complete with valances and other decorative elements - may see you out of pocket to the tune of $36,000.
Well-made drapes are as good an investment as a new piece of furniture. You should know what you can afford.
- Outlook Team