Angela Philipps, Contributor 
It is all systems go for Jamaica Carnival this year, after its launch on Tuesday.
Today is the start of carnival week in Jamaica. A time to 'get on bad', for 'wukin' up', and basically getting rid of any inhibitions you might have during the rest of the year when it comes to dancing.
Being the end of Lent, you have every reason to indulge yourself in a flask of rum, and a little 'pump and grind' with your fellow citizens and denizens (can't leave the expats out)!
If you're anything like me, you've got your costume lined up for next Sunday, your ticket bought for J'Ouvert on Friday night/Saturday morning, and you are planning to go to a few other crazy parties in between.
While carnival is not solely for single people, I am writing from the perspective of one who has never 'played mas' as a married woman. I've heard statements to the effect of, "You can't jump in carnival if you're not single", "My husband won't let me out in that skimpy little bikini", and "Couples shouldn't do carnival together as they'll only end up fighting". Well that's really sad if these words hold any truth. Surely, you'd trust the person to whom you were wed? If not, why would anyone become attracted to this institution?
Well, my fellow singletons, this is not for us to worry about, now is it? Our focus right now is how are we going to make the most of a fabulous week? Hopefully, you've heard this year's songs enough times to have 'gotten into' the music. At the start of every season I always say, "Man, these tunes just aren't as good as last year." However, after a few soca sessions, I'm hooked. Of course, going to Trinidad gets you in the mood a lot quicker, but this year I had to pass on the trip.
Meet new people

Jamaica Carnival 2007. - Photos by Norman Grindley/Deputy Chief Photographer
As well as enjoying yourself with friends, it's a good time to meet new people. Everyone will be in a good mood, less shy than normal, and willing to dance and chat to other revellers. I'm thinking Mr or Ms Right could well be found chippin' down the road right next to you! Funnily enough, I do know a few people who met their spouses during carnival time. And I have had a couple romances, though short ones, which have stemmed from the free-spirited vibe that engulfs the week.
An effort must be made by all to have the best time you can, to look hot, and be open-minded about all possibilities. Here are a few pointers:
1. Get a haircut - one that's manageable and will stand up to lots of partying!
2. Mascara and eyeliner tend to run down your face when you're sweating, or if it rains. Wear lots of glitter instead - around the eyes, and all over the body. It's very sexy, and it stays on and looks good all day and into the night.
3. Drink plenty of water during the day, between your booze binges!
4. Eat complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables to keep your energy levels up - if you're too tired then you won't have as much fun.
5. Carry some lip gloss (ladies) and Listerine wafers in a 'fanny' pack around your waist - you never know who will be approaching you.
6. Girls - let the cute guy dance with you. If you push him away, then obviously, he's going to think you don't like him. If you reciprocate the moves and are friendly to him, then it could lead to more than just a casual dance. If he's being inappropriate in his manner, then feel free to shove him off as hard as you can!
7. Boys - don't be forceful with the ladies. Start by dancing with her, without touching her so much. If she's giving you a positive vibe, then move a little closer. Everyone is out to have a grand old time, but you don't need to be in someone's face. You can always get her number and follow up later.
If you do meet anyone special during the celebrations, then email me your story. Have the time of your lives and I'll see you on the ROAD!