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Décor dilemma
published: Sunday | March 9, 2008

If your house is on a slope, place bright lights on tall poles at the back, allowing the lights to flood the top of the roof. This will prevent energy from rolling away and lift the positive chi in your backyard, creating better health and wealth.

Due to the outpouring of concerns and questions provoked by the article 'Feng shui - believe it or not', I will, this week, share with you correspondence I received from two readers recently. I believe most homeowners will find these rules not only informative but beneficial as well.

Sloping land

A house built on land in line with, or better yet, above the road, puts you in a superior position and will reflect in your life.

Hello Sharon Lowe:

I read your article titled 'Feng shui - believe it or not', written on Sunday, February 10. I must say that I was amazed. My concern is that I bought land in the hills of Spanish Town and it is shaped like a pentagon. Will this result in financial troubles, loss in business, bad health and connection with influential people, as you stated in the article?

What do you mean by land formation? You also stated that the street a house is situated on could attract positive energy. Does this mean a community with lawyers and doctors is good.

Please give me information.

- P. from Spanish Town

Dear P. from Spanish Town:

It's obvious that my article has caused you to become more aware of, and concerned about the land on which your new home will be built. This, of course, should be a very important decision to make. Whether we practise feng shui or not, we all want to make sure we purchase the ideal land for our home.

Feng shui suggests there are good land sites to build on and not so good land sites. You mentioned that the shape of your land was that of a pentagon, which means there would be a slope both to the back and the front of the land. Feng shui regards flat land to be better. However, if the house is built where the slope rises gently upwards, this will retain positive chi and wealth. Better yet, if there is a hill behind your lot, this is considered an excellent choice, this will encourage not only wealth but protection.

If, however, you build the house where the land slopes downwards at the back, this will attract negative chi. The decreasing flow of positive energy robs you of money, connections with influential people and health. This may all sound very alarming but the rules of feng shui provide a cure for the lands that attract negative chi.

Bright lights

By placing bright lights on tall poles (the taller the better) at the back of the house, allowing the lights to flood the top of the roof, this will prevent energy from rolling away and lift the positive chi in your backyard, creating better health and wealth. Absurd as it may sound, we do practise these rules unaware, for hardly do you find a house without lighting in the backyard. What we need to do, however, is to mount them higher and keep the lights burning at nights.

Another feng shui rule suggests you purchase lands that are in line with the road or above it. A house built on land in line with, or better yet, above the road, puts you in a superior position and will reflect in your life. To build your house on a land that is below the road can create obstacles in your career, discourage social life and make money difficult to obtain. You can, however, line your driveway with mounted lights and flags all the way up to the road. The energy from the light and the constant motion of the flags will pull the positive chi towards the entrance of your house.

A community with lawyers and doctors is one with positive energy through the society of people. The flow of money and mail will ultimately connect to your house.

I do hope I was able to give you a little more insight on land formation. You can, however, source additional information from the many available resources on the Internet. One such site is All the best in the building of your new home.

Bathroom chi

Hi Sharon:

I read your article in Outlook, February 10. Very interesting, but you did not speak enough about the bathroom.

- M.L.

Dear M.L.:

As usual, we seem to give less information on such an important area of the home when there is, in fact, a lot that homeowners can do to rid their bathroom of negative chi and encourage, instead, balanced and positive chi.

Your first task is to prevent the constant running of water from the shower, sink and toilets. This can drain you financially and spiritually. Realistically speaking, don't we end up paying more for water if it is constantly running? Also, if there is an underground leak or a dripping tap, doesn't it make us unhappy and stressed when we think about it, and when we take from our resources that which we didn't plan for?

Bathroom should face north

Feng shui suggests that the bathroom faces the north side of the house to avoid washing your health and wealth away, even leaving you physically drained. Avoid using bright colours in your bathroom; this can cause a sense of insanity when, instead, it should be peaceful and tranquil.

Your bathroom should always be clean. It does reflect your personal cleanliness, and the toilet seats should always be down when not in use, to prevent your wealth from going down the drain.

Feng shui also suggests never to place your bathroom door opposite that of the kitchen. Both you, and especially your guest, will feel uncomfortable going there when it is so close to where the food is being prepared.

After ensuring all these simple rules are applied, add your oils, aromatic candles and scents with decorative accessories to create your own personal spa.

Send your feedback and queries to Sharon Lowe at

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