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No sex for 15 years
published: Sunday | March 9, 2008

Q Hello doc. I am (I believe) an attractive woman, but I have not had sex for 15 years - through my own choice.

Don't get me wrong: I am a pretty sexy person. I think about men a lot, and sometimes I masturbate. However, when I was younger I decided that sex with partners was all too much trouble, and that I would just 'bow out' of the dating game for a while.

That way, I have avoided a lot of fussing and fighting, and probably some sex infections as well. Certainly, I have been happier than some of my girlfriends, who have 'played the field' and ended up with all sorts of troubles, like unexpected pregnancies!

But now, guess what, doc? I have met a wonderful, kind, handsome guy. He says he wants to marry me. And yes - I am in love with him.

But my problem is this. Soon he is going to want full sex - and so will I! So far, we have only gone in for what I think they call 'heavy petting'. In other words, we have both brought each other to orgasms by using the hands.

However, I am fretting about what may happen when he tries to penetrate me. Girlfriends have hinted in my ear that when a vagina is not 'used' for a long time, it kind of shrivels up. Is this true, doctor?

It is true that nothing has been inside my vagina for 15 years, except for tampons at one time. And I feel that maybe I am smaller down there than I used to be. I am conscious of the fact that this is a BIG guy!

So do you think I will be able to have intercourse? Will it hurt? And will I be good enough for him?

A I am sorry to hear that you are fretting. The fears which you describe are common in ladies who have not had sex for a long time.

What you have NOT told me is whether you have passed the menopause or not. If you have been through 'the change,' then it is possible that you might need a little help in the form of hormones. I shall return to that question in a moment.

But let me first say that you need not worry about the fact that your vagina has not been 'used' for 15 years. It will not have altered in shape or size. And the fact that you were able to use tampons at some stage in the past shows that you must have a normal vaginal cavity.

However, it is possible that the muscles which surround your vagina might be a little tight, after so many years of not being used. This does not matter very much, because it should be easy for you to RELAX them when you resume intercourse. One good way of making the vaginal muscles relax is simply to breathe deeply - as though breathing right down into the belly.

Also, it is possible that you might be slightly dryer in the vagina than you used to be. So I think you should get yourself a tube of a good vaginal lubricant from a pharmacy, or by buying it online. Keep it by your bedside, and use it plentifully when you first go to bed with your new man.

If you have passed the menopause, then it is possible that your vagina may be a little lacking in female hormones. That could make it dry and perhaps slightly sore. So you might need some vaginal hormone cream, prescribed by a doc - or maybe even a short course of hormone tablets.

Now, you ask me whether you will be able to have intercourse. I am certain that you will, provided you take it gradually.

You also ask whether it will pain you. I do not think so - provided that you can relax!

Finally, you ask me whether you will be 'good enough' in bed for the man you love. I am sure that you will! You sound like a sassy, intelligent and sexy lady, and I wish you well in this relationship.

Q I am 62, doc. Would it be safe for me to take Viagra?

A Almost certainly - though you should have a brief check-up from a doc before starting to use the famous little blue pills.

Also, make sure that you understand about the possibility of side effects, including the remote possibility of blindness.

Q Doctor, I am a 39-year-old female and have just embarked on a new relationship with a guy who teaches at the university. When we went to be together last night, he looked at my body and said: 'Hey! You have a third nipple.'

In fact, all my life I have had a raised, brownish bump, located about two inches below my right breast. Could this really be an extra nipple?

A Yes, it could. Many women - and men - have third nipples. They are almost always found on what is called 'the milk line', which runs from the middle of the collarbone, vertically down towards the belly.

In historical times, these extra nipples were thought to be connected with necromancy, but in fact they have no significance whatever, and do no harm. If you wish to, you could get a surgeon-specialist to remove this 'bump' for you.

Q I am a guy of 37 years, and I have 'sugar.' In the last six months, I have had endless problems with a sore, tight foreskin - making sex real difficult. My doctor says it is 'recurrent fungus infections'.

So what is going on?

A Guys who have diabetes pass a lot of sugar in their urine. Over the years, this often encourages the growth of fungi (such as thrush) around the foreskin.

So you may need to take a circumcision operation. You also need anti-fungus cream. And maybe you should ask medical advice about controlling your 'sugar' a little better.

Q I have in recent months been experiencing 'spotting' of blood between my periods. Some days I bleed so heavily that I have to wear pads.

The other night, I had sex with a guy - and I bled for 10 minutes afterwards.

What should I do?

A The symptoms of inter-menstrual bleeding (IMB) and post-coital bleeding (PCB) can indicate serious trouble in the cervix - especially in women over 25.

So you MUST see a doc this week. She will need to put in a device called a speculum, so that she can look directly at your cervix. She will also need to carry out a smear. Please do NOT delay in making that appointment.

Q I'm female and 28. Though my family think I am crazy, I am considering giving up meat! Would this harm my health, doc?

A No, a vegetarian diet is pretty healthy, as long as you make sure you get enough PROTEIN - which is present in beans, gungo peas and cheese. Also, vegetarians often need to take extra IRON. That is specially important for women, because of the iron which is lost in the menses.

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