Susan Gordon, Business Reporter
In keeping with The Sunday Business' commitment to keep you in the know, here are some more heads of associations.
Real estate/construction

At the Jamaica Institute of Quantity Surveyors, Cletus Graham has been the president since 2007. The term is generally for a year, with re-elections due this December. Often, the incumbent is returned for a second term.

Audrey Hinchcliffe heads the Jamaica Employers' Association (JEF) and would have served her maximum three-year term as president as at July.
The organisation will be looking for anotherpresident this year. JEF executive director Jacqueline Coke-Lloyd says any member could get the post.

Human Resource Management Association of Jamaica has had Colin Barnett as president since December 2006. The office has a two-year term, which is up this September.

Wayne Jones wears several hats. He is the acting president of the Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions (JCTU), having taken over from Dwight Nelson, now minister without portfolio in the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service.
The JCTU congress meets every two years, and this year, on a date yet to be decided, Jones will prepare for elections.
At the Jamaica Civil Service Association of Jamaica, Jones presides as president until May of 2009. He has been president since 2002, an indication that the two-year position has no strict term limit.
Michael Bernard is serving his third term as president of the Shipping Association of Jamaica, a position he has held since 2006. SAJ elections, an annual affair, are scheduled for this December, but the sitting president can be re-elected.
Kenneth Shaw of KACS Group Corporation Limited has steered the Jamaica Used-Car Dealers' Association for six years as president. He was re-elected last September. He told Sunday Business this was his sixth and final year in the post, which has no time limit.
Kent LaCroix has served as chairman of the Automobile Dealers' Association of Jamaica (new car dealers) for the last three years. Elections are due this July and LaCroix has no reservations about vying for the post again.
Spirits Pool Association Limited has as its chairman Robert L.G. Henriques.
Pauline Levy of Pauline's Travel Services Limited took over the presidency of the Jamaica Association of Travel Agents (JATA) in May 2007. Election is due this March at the association's annual general meeting. The JATA presidency has a one-year term limit.
The Bakers' Association of Jamaica is headed by Gerald 'Gerry' Chambers, a second-term president following his re-election in May 2007. He was formerly president for three years. Elections are due this May and he is optimistic about being re-elected.
Ilsa duVerney chairs the Jamaica Customer Service Association whose mission is to transform organisations into world-class service providers. In March, the chairman is among one third of the directors who will retire and are eligible for re-election. President Richard Rowe leads the executive team and is also eligible for re-election in March.
Still to come, the heads of chambers of commerce.