In January, I usually drop a few pearls of wisdom on the urgent need to conserve water. This year will be no exception. Indeed, here are a few tips to help you conserve water in an efficient way: Mulch helps the soil retain moisture, and also improves the appearance of your garden.
Select native plants as often as possible. These plants are adapted to the level of wetness (or dryness!) in your area.
Water less often, but more deeply, and focus on the root zones rather than the entire yard.
Terrace steep slopes to reduce run-off.
Consider planting a ground cover. Maintaining a lush, green lawn requires a lot of water
Sandy soils lose water because they drain quickly, and clay soils lose water to runoff. Adding organic matter to these soils will help them hold moisture. It costs nothing to start a compost pile, and in a few months you'll have a ready supply of organic matter to work into your soil.
Recycle household waste water from your cooking, dishwasher, bathtub and kitchen sink. You can also use water from your washing machine. Note: you can do the latter only if you limit the use of detergents containing boron (borax) and chlorine bleach.
Set out an old-fashioned rain barrel connected to a gutter from your house.