Paul G. Messam, Gleaner Writer
Anthony Minott, Dr. Roy Notice of the New Testament Church of God will be the main speaker at the National Leadership Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, January 17, at the Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston.
Will prayer bring world peace? That was a question posed in the 1980s. "Peace will not come just by praying. It is not as simple as that," said Gijun Sugitani, an organiser of a prayer meeting held in August 1987 in Japan. "But I don't think peace will be realised without it either."
The desire to communicate with some higher power is seemingly as old as man himself. Certain ancient Egyptian engravings contain prayers. Some of these requested protection from God, whereas others were statements of praise or of confidence in the deity being addressed.
Among the Greeks of the eighth century B.C., hymns as well as poetic and ceremonial prayers were common. In Roman prayers care was needed in addressing a particular god, since many divinities were then worshipped. To this day, prayer is a common feature of the world's major religions. All known for their use of prayer are Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims and those professing to be Christians.
Names of God
Many church leaders and lay preachers from all walks of life attest to the power of prayer. Marjorie Williams of Saxthorpe Methodist Church now refers to God as the 'Miracle-working God', and as a 'Wonder' who made it possible for her to pull through her recent surgery. She thanked the Saxthorpe Church family, friends and many well-wishers who prayed for her.
"Prayer is communicating with God, and God always answers prayers," said Rev. Dr. Byron Chambers, president of the Jamaica District of Methodist Churches in Jamaica and the Americas.
"They may not be the answers that some people want, as they have failed to understand the nature of prayer."
Reverend Chambers is cautioning, however, against telling God what to do. "When we pray we must pray with faith and believe that God knows your needs and requires the best for you. It is like making a request for a pen and believing that such pen will be granted," he emphasised.
Rev. Racquel Clemming said that she has prayed about things and they have come to pass. "I prayed about my career and becoming a minister of religion and it has been fulfilled. As you pray ... things unfold, it is a process; for some it may not be always a yes or no, it could be a wait."
"From experience, things that I have prayed for, or about, have happened," said Rev. Claudeth Campbell. "Prayer is an emotional belief, and so when you pray you release it, and leave it there knowing and believing that God hears and is dealing with the situation."
Worshippers at the Heal the family, Heal the Nation National Prayer Vigil held at the National Arena on January 3, last year. - Norman Grindley/Deputy Chief Photographer