THE OPPOSITION Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) seems to be winning the advertising battle with the governing People's National Party (PNP), a Gleaner-commissioned poll by Bill Johnson has found.
According to the Johnson team, the JLP ads, driven by the choral refrain, 'Jamaica needs a change now', have been more effective than those of the PNP.
When asked, "Over the last few weeks, have you seen any ads on television for the PNP or JLP?" Seventy per cent of the 1,008 persons interviewed said yes, 53 per cent said they had seen the PNP slots, which project what the party says are some of its biggest achievements, including investment and housing.
Johnson also said the JLP ads seem to be swaying more persons to vote for them, come August 27, the day of the general election.
To the question, "Would you say these ads have made you more likely or less likely to vote for the JLP or PNP?" 23 per cent responded favourably to the JLP. Sixteen per cent said the PNP jingles had influenced their vote.
Thirty-two per cent said the ads made no difference on their decision to vote JLP, compared to 28 per cent for the PNP.
The poll, conducted between July 14 and 15 in 84 communities throughout the 14 parishes, has a margin of error of plus or minus three per cent.