John Issa is pictured during a light moment in Peter Ferguson's book 'Changemakers'. - photo by Peter FergusonKnown along the length and breadth of Jamaica as the father of the all-inclusive, John Issa has certainly claimed his place as one of this nation's changemakers.
After his childhood in Kingston, during the days of the tram and the embryonic stages of a tourist industry, Issa spent the better part of 40 years becoming one of Jamaica's leading hoteliers and, as chairman of the Jamaica Tourist Board for most of the 1980s, put in place many of the changes which today have led to a record three million visitors to the island last year.
Immortalised on stamps
For his service to the industry he has spent all his life building, Joe Issa was immortalised in one of a series of postage stamps, lauding the achievements of the island's tourism pioneers.
With all his achievements, he remains a simple man and Peter Ferguson's book, Changemakers, captures an image of the man that depicts just that - the quiet simplicity that sometimes brings change.
Ferguson's book is now available at Sangster's Book Stores or at 59 Hope Road, St. Andrew.
You may call 978-7389 or email: info@peterferguson.net for more information.