Keisha Shakespeare-Blackmore, Staff Reporter

It is the season to travel and many individuals are taking long trips this summer to countries such as Australia, South Africa and China. Such trips take you between a day and half to three days, so it is important that you travel sensibly.
First - reserve a comfortable seat. Even within the same class and fare, some seats are far superior to others. Long flights can be quite boring, so think of entertainment (ipod or portable DVD player). If possible, go with an airline that offers AVOD (Audio Video on demand) that is, a television screen in front of your seat so that you can choose what to watch, play or listen to.
These flights are usually very long so pack wisely. Include all necessary toiletries and at least a change of clothing in your hand luggage so that when you get a chance you can freshen up.
Damion Williamsrecently travelled to Ostrava, Czech Republic, and he made the mistake of not packing a change of clothing in his hand luggage.
On his return trip, he had three connections, from Ostrava to Vienna then to London where he had to change airports (from Heathrow to Gatwick then to Kingston, Jamaica. However, when he arrived at Gatwick, he had only 80 minutes before departure. He proceeded to check in but was informed that the flight was already closed.
"I went down on my knees and begged them to allow me to go on the flight but the lady just said, "Sorry sir, I cannot help you'," said Williams.
He was stranded, without money, clothes and a return flight home before Wednesday. He emailed his company and after a few hours, they responded and were able to book him into a hotel. Luckily, he also contacted a friend who picked him up. But, the drama was not over, he had no clothes or money. Thankfully, his employer sent him some cash and he was able to purchase clothing. Two days later, he caught a flight home. Unfortunately, his luggage has still not arrived.
Below are a list of travel tips that will assist you in your travels making them hassle-free.
Name changed on request.
Long-Haul Flights
From Jamaica to China: Kingston to Amersterdam (Holland) then to Beijing.Flight time: two days
From Jamaica to Australia: Kingston to Los Angeles then to Sydney, Australia. Flight time: two days
From Jamaica to South Africa: Kingston to London then to Johannesburg.Flight time: two days
Names changed to protect identity.
Passengers join the queue for security screenings at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport.