Denise Walters, Gleaner Writer

Hotel owner Gloria Minto, wearing her trademark white, addresses the conference of women in business. - Norman Grindley/Deputy Chief Photographer
Between bouts of laughter and applause, Gloria Minto, owner of Hotel Glorianna in Montego Bay, dug deep into her reservoir and came up with anecdotes of past experiences and words of encouragement, as she urged the audience to face up to any challenge, and stay focus. She was speaking during the Women in Business Conference held at Eden Gardens in St. andrew last Wednesday.
Minto went down memory lane and reminisced about the hardship and abuse she endured when she wanted to start a bakery. She spoke about crediting some sheeting from a man to build an oven. The man went and told her husband, who then took the bar stool he was sitting on and hit her violently in the head, hospitalising her for two weeks. But, she was not daunted.
Be ambitious
Minto implored the women to think big and be ambitious. She was also quick to point out two things that will make a business fail: not paying attention to the business and not having good customer service.
"A business is like a plant or a baby, you have to nurture and cherish it. Also, not having good customer service is a serious problem. As a businessperson, you should always meet customers' needs and give them quality service."
In closing, Minto reiterated to the audience that they can make it if they try. She went on further to state: "Don't be afraid to cry. Don't be afraid of challenge. If I can make it you can too."
Another businesswoman, Shirley Carby (owner of Carlong Publishers), in her presentation, pointed out the significance of human resources and stated that it is the most important aspect of a business. She also mentioned that if persons do not perform, then the business will fail.
She also maintained that organisations should strike a balance.
"Organisations need both doers and thinkers to succeed. People are blessed with different skills and these different skills make a business more successful. Most persons want to achieve and are happy to accept responsibility."
Carby further stated that a team-based approach is most effective. There is no team without unity and the avenue for communication should remain open. She gave six points to consider when building a top performing team:
Laying the foundation.
Know and value each person in the organisation.
Ensure that work is interesting and challenging.
Facilitate personal development and provide training for each person.
Recognise and reward achievement and performance.
Involve persons in the decision-making process.
Women in Business Conference was hosted by the Small Business Development Agency under the theme 'Uncommon Woman - Influence, Power, Collaboration and Connection'.
Other speakers included Sandra Shirley, Eleanor Jones, Bishop Carmen Stewart and Lynette Vassell.